How I plan a road trip is no different than what I would do if I ever decide to travel by boat, train, or airplane.
Here are 10 tips I recommend for traveling with or without MS:
Not all trips will go as planned. But by being prepared, a potential travel nightmare could turn into an adventure story you tell for years to come. Be sure to check with your doctor if you have any questions before you travel.
Bathroom modifications for people living with MS
Bedroom modifications for people living with MS
Commuting to work
From Jessica T.
Entertaining guests in your home
From Gina F.
Kitchen modifications for people living with MS
Getting around with MS
From Biogen
Getting ready for your next event
From Biogen
Running errands with MS
From Jessica T.
Tips for traveling by air
From Gina F.
Tips for the kitchen
From Biogen
Tools that may help with your mobility
From Biogen