Dr. Kalina

Occupational Therapist

Dr. Kalina's Biography:

Occupational Therapist

I have been working in the field of multiple sclerosis (MS) for over 12 years. I specialize in developing and implementing research and rehabilitation programs. My research focuses on improving the functional independence for people with MS. I have personally designed over 18 specialized rehabilitation programs and have experience running over 100 MS clinical research trials. I serve as adjunct faculty at a university in New York. In 2016, I joined Biogen as a Medical Science Liaison.

The people featured on this website are part of Above MS™, which is sponsored by Biogen. Biogen compensates these contributors for their time and the content they provide.

Areas of interest


MS Occupational Therapy
Your MS Healthcare Team

Occupational therapy & MS

From Dr. Kalina

screenshot of woman showing her fridge
Home & Travel

Kitchen modifications for people living with MS

From Dr. Kalina

screenshot of door opening to a bedroom
Home & Travel

Bedroom modifications for people living with MS

From Dr. Kalina

screenshot of bathroom shower
Home & Travel

Bathroom modifications for people living with MS

From Dr. Kalina