Remember, everyone’s experience with multiple sclerosis (MS) is different. Your healthcare provider is, and always should be, your primary source of information.
Holly M.: So, when I was first diagnosed, and I would get an ache or a pain, or I was tired, I was constantly worried that was the MS, it must be the MS. And it's hard to live like that.
Sheri P.: Living with a chronic illness like MS that has pain, fatigue, cognitive issues, then that gets toppled with living with anxiety and depression. And I have my good days, and I have my bad days.
From the outside, I look great, and people don't understand that. A lot of people think being that I am on disability that I'm lazy or I'm taking advantage of the system. You can internalize a lot of those words, and then that can bring you to a really dark place.
Holly M.: I do doubt myself all the time. But I try to put perspective on it, and I try to seek help from my husband and my family and my friends.
Sheri P.: I found it very helpful to get active in my MS community by volunteering or going to MS events. There's a wonderful, amazing support community out there for MS.
Holly M.: I hate to say misery loves company, but support groups are vital. Getting ideas, crying together, laughing together. It's important that you make time to seek that out because that way you can kind of creatively problem solve.
Sheri P.: When I became an advocate for myself and basically took the reins, if you will, that really was a sense of relief for me to gain control back in my life. In a situation that I felt like I didn't have control, I can call a counselor, or I can call the 24/7 hotline. And I hope that other people know if they're in that dark place that there's help out there.
To find additional support, call an Above MS Support Coordinator at 1-800-456-2255. Hear more from Above MS ambassadors in our other Honestly MS videos.
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